A new ecosystem based on loan apps has mushroomed across India’s financial landscape over a decade, preying on those abandoned by the formal banking sector. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) recently imposed a...
“What really was new was the trick of claiming Neo liberalism stripped away rules when much of what it was doing was imposing new rules that favoured banks and the wealthy. For instance, the...
कृषि अर्थव्यवस्था के जानकार मानते हैं कि खेती को बरकरार रखने,विकसित करने और सबका पेट भरने की अधिकांश जिम्मेदारी छोटे और सीमांत किसान ही निभाते हैं। जहां 70% ग्रामीण परिवार अभी भी अपनी आय...
Since the pandemic, the gap between rich and poor Indians has never been more evident. But inequality was never a public concern – until now. For much of the first half of the year,...
CFA Explainers The Unified Pension Scheme (UPS) launched by the government as its compromise formula is being celebrated by the godi media as the “best of both worlds”, i.e. the Old Pension Scheme (OPS)...
देश आजादी के बाद समाजवादी आर्थिक - सामाजिक व्यवस्था की स्थापना के लिए संकल्प लिया था। इस संकल्प को पूरा करने संविधान निर्माता भीमराव आंबेडकर ने इसे संविधान के प्रस्तावना में स्थान दिया।
The Rashtriya Rail Sanraksha Kosh (RRSK), established to enhance safety measures, has been abused for unnecessary purchases like foot massagers and furniture instead of essential safety upgrades.
Leaving people in the lurch is not a new thing for the Modi government. If people have not understood this, it is clearly their fault, they had 10 years to do so.
The first budget of the NDA government seem to have heavily constrained with coalition compulsions, attempt to recognise the real issues on the ground and a response to the Mandate 2024. Yet, it manage...
The Reserve Bank of India released a new draft of the project finance framework in May. To address risks and impacts, it must integrate social and environmental considerations, writes the author of this commentary.
Despite this significant increase, the proportion of the total railway budget allocated to safety has remained stagnant and even declined since 2018-19 when measured as a percentage of total railway expenditure. While it may...
The skewed trend of individual income tax payers contributing more to the union government’s coffers than corporates has its basis in the tax break given to corporates five years ago. The Budget at a...
As the country gears up for the presentation of the Budget for the financial year (FY) 2024-25, the economic survey for 2023-24, tabled by Union finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman is key to understanding what...