Centre for Financial Accountability
CFA engages in critical analysis, monitoring and critique of the role of financial institutions – national and international, and their impact on development, human rights and the environment, amongst other areas.
CFA partners with civil society groups, social movements and community groups in trying to ensure that financial institutions are transparent and accountable to the people.
CFA’s work includes both research and programmes. We publish information resources and policy analysis. Its awareness programmes work towards demystifying finance through increasing public awareness and encouraging public debates about issues of financial accountability.
Centre for the Sustainable Use of Natural and Social Resources
CSNR has been working for strengthening civil society on human rights and democratization with an aim to uphold the values and principles of the constitution of India and the Universal Declaration on Human Rights. It is actively involved in building capacities of Human Rights Defenders (HRD) and activists on fact findings and documentation of case histories by using democratic institutions, mechanism, norms and forums towards redressing the grievance of the poor and marginalized population affected due to human rights violations.
It is engaged to organize regional and local level dialogues among HRDs, CSOs, community leaders and others on various issues important to human life, livelihood and dignity of the advasis, dalits, minorities, elderly, disabled, women, children and other marginalized as well as vulnerable sections of the society.