हमारे देश में बिजली पैदा करने का प्रमुख संसाधन कोयला है, पर धरती की छाती चीरकर उसे निकालने वाले मजदूरों की बदहाली जहां-की-तहां है। पिछले साल कोविड-19 के कारण देश भर में लगे ‘लॉकडाउन’...
Press Release | May 19, 2020 New Delhi: “Thinking about an Ameere Rehka (wealth line) and not a Gareebi Rekha (poverty line) is the need of the hour”, noted social activist Medha Patkar said. She was speaking at...
Finance Minister gave a press statement and a document of 27 pages has been released. Everybody is hoping now for the other parts. When the economy is in crisis everyone hoped for relief package...
The COVID-19 corona epidemic that has taken over 16,99,019 lives all around the world has undoubtedly been a disaster with no parallels in modern history. Political and social analysts describe this pandemic as the...
Lockdowns and curfews have been the most commissioned procedure by the Indian state to regulate and manage resistances all over the country. Kashmir has been the epicentre of such a monopolisation of public spaces...