Why society should be concerned about inequality and poverty
Recently, after my talk on the current economic situation in India at a private university, I was asked, why those students should be concerned about inequality and poverty.
Recently, after my talk on the current economic situation in India at a private university, I was asked, why those students should be concerned about inequality and poverty.
What will help the world of finance/economy to transform? While I do not have an answer on that, I want to share why the economy/finance needs a serious and radical transformation.
Economic empowerment is essential for women to participate in different actions and struggles. There are many examples in India where women have mobilised themselves to economically improve their life and also participate in collective...
As India prepares for the next budget, here is another critical issue it needs to focus on: The galloping trade deficit. According to the First Advance Estimate (AE1), released earlier this month, the trade...
भारत की अर्थव्यवस्था एक नाज़ुक मोड़ पर है। आज हम जो रास्ता चुनेंगे वो आने वाले कई सालों तक हमारे भविष्य को दिशा देगा। न केवल भविष्य, बल्कि लाखों नागरिकों का वर्तमान भी इस...
How do you describe a nation that is the fastest-growing major economy in the world and also the fifth largest economy in the world
Import barriers are self-inflicted wounds which is not only disabling the fourth growth engine – exports – but also increasing forex outflows
RBI is the regulator and supervisor of the monetary system. Its objectives are, to maintain public confidence in the system, protect depositors’ interests and provide cost-effective banking services to the public. Its roles are...
The State of Finance in India report is a first of its kind that expands the domain of finance and economics beyond the confines of ivory tower experts.
G-20, (abbreviation for Group 20) is a fancy name. It has attracted the imagination of many around the globe and is often dubbed as the most important association of nations that matter in terms...
The quarter 2 results of the public sector banks are noteworthy compared to a few years ago. All these banks showed good profits in the financial year 2021-22. Twelve PSBs made a net profit...
“The government had borrowed money from the IMF during the pandemic and yet did not spend it in order to keep the fiscal deficit in control! This internalisation of keeping the fiscal deficit under...
It has been more than 9 months since inflation broke the 6% ceiling. As per the law, RBI is going to write to the government explaining their failure to contain it, but both parties...
The callous and unwarranted announcement of demonetisation in November 2016 was one of the cruellest blows to the majority of India’s citizens, compelling them to plunge from what was already a life of desperation...
दुनिया भर के लोगों की खुशहाली बयां करने वाली विश्व भुखमरी सूचकाँक रिपोर्ट ने भारत को 121 देशों में से 107वां स्थान दिया। सरकार ने एक बयान जारी कर इस रिपोर्ट को गलत बताया...