Mundra, Gujarat January 13, 2020: TATA power has announced to the Union Ministry of Power that it may be forced to stop operating its imported coal-based Mundra ultra-mega power project after February, 2020. Experts...
अधोसंरचना, खासकर ऊर्जा के नाम पर हमारे देश में जो हो रहा है उसे सार्वजनिक सम्पत्ति की खुल्लम-खुल्ला लूट के अलावा क्या कहा जा सकता है? मध्यप्रदेश सरीखे राज्य में जहां खुद सरकारी दस्तावेजों...
September 27, 2017, Mundra, Gujarat: Fishing communities and farmers affected by Tata Mundra said on Friday that they would approach the U.S. Supreme Court to review the decision of U.S. Court of Appeals for...
Report subverts the real issues while focusing only on the frivolous ones August 25, 2017, Kutch, Gujarat: Communities affected by the Tata Mundra (Coastal Gujarat Power Ltd – CGPL) coal power plant in Kutch...
We all know of the killing impacts of coal based power plants – from the massive air pollution, from water contamination and from the dirty coal mines. As per the “State of Global Air...
Press Statement: 22 .8.2017 ADB’s Annual Monitoring Report on Tata Mundra rejected: Report subverts the real issues while focusing only on the frivolous ones Kutch, Gujarat: Communities affected by the Tata Mundra (Coastal Gujarat Power...
Like India once had a Ministry of Disinvestment, it’s time she has a Ministry of Loss Making. How else can one understand government’s eagerness to buy out all loss making projects, whether in coal,...
February 07, 2017: Mundra, Gujarat The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit heard arguments in Budha Ismail Jam v. International Finance Corporation, a case against the International Finance Corporation (IFC),...
In the process of establishing an ultra mega power project, CGPL has caused irreversible damage to the fragile ecosystem of Kutch At a time when the biggest seller of weapons is bestowed with the...