We 20 Summit: August 18,19 & 20th, 2023
Write to us at wetwentysummit@gmail.com
The We20: Peoples’ Summit on G20 organised by over 70 organisations from different parts of the country concluded with much vigour and energy, albeit a day earlier due to the pressure from the police who rejected the permission to hold the event on Day 3.
- Economists, Social Movements & Political Leaders give clarion call to stand up to the anti-people policies of G20
- We20 Peoples’ Declaration -People and Nature over Profits for a Just, Inclusive, Transparent and Equitable Future
- Press Release– We20: A Peoples’ Summit Resolves to Strengthen Efforts to Protect Rights
- Statement on the Rejection of Police Permission for We20 Peoples’ Summit on Day 3
- Modi Administration attempts shutting down We20
- Delhi set to witness We20: A Peoples’ Summit on G20
- Program Schedule
- Event Invite
Event Posters available in Hindi, Bengali, Malayalam, Assamese, Telugu, Kannada & Marathi