
Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT-Madras

The Department, founded in 1959, is one of the oldest in IIT Madras. It allows students to develop an appreciation for a very diverse set of fields, including Development Studies, Economics, English Studies, Environmental Studies, History, International Relations, Philosophy, Political Science, and Sociology. The Department offers both Master’s and Doctoral programmes, as well as electives for B.Tech and M.Tech students.

Centre for Financial Accountability

CFA engages in critical analysis, monitoring and critique of the role of financial institutions – national and international, and their impact on development, human rights and the environment, amongst other areas.

CFA partners with civil society groups, social movements and community groups in trying to ensure that financial institutions are transparent and accountable to the people.

CFA’s work includes both research and programmes. We publish information resources and policy analysis. Its awareness programmes work towards demystifying finance through increasing public awareness and encouraging public debates about issues of financial accountability.

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