
Tata Mundra Ultra Mega Power Project India is part of an ambitious plan, which saw the building of several coal-based thermal power stations to meet India’s energy needs. Located on the western coast of India, in Gujarat, spanning 72 kilometres covering 10 coastal settlements, it is strategically located near the Mundra Port and within the Special Economic Zone. This coast is also home to fishing communities who have lived there for generations and who reside on the coast for almost nine months out of every year.

Coastal Gujarat Power Limited (CGPL), 100% owned by Tata Power LImited, will build, own and operate a 4,000 MW (5 units of 800 MW each) ultra-mega supercritical technology-based power plant at the port city of Mundra in the Kutch district of Gujarat, India. The plant was fully operational in 2013.

The total project cost is estimated at about USD 4.14 billion. IFC invested $450 million of its own capital in this project, which IFC has classified as a category A project, signifying that IFC believes there are potentially significant adverse social and environmental impacts that may be diverse or irreversible.

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