A year back when we started our weekly newsletter Finance Matters, what we intended was to bring together the news and analysis from the world of finance, in a form and language comprehensible to the common people.
Over the period, the articles and videos that we had carried have ranged from Ease of Doing Business and Rana Plaza tragedy; the Influence of IFIs on the economy; immunity of the IFIs to accountability and transparency of the IFIs to non-performing assets, FRDI, demonetisation, cash crunch, to the Universal Banking Income, India’s investments abroad and many such. The newsletter has also opened up a unique opportunity to regularly intervene in the current affairs through the articles and public statements. This goes to a modest number of 3500 individuals and organisations every week. With 3-4 small articles/videos in each newsletter, we keep it ‘manageable’.
The larger purpose behind this is to demystify the world of finance to common people. Whether in the realm of policies, or structures of finance/banking, or rights of the account holders, much is being changed in a rapid pace and if left unchecked, it could drastically impact the economy, touching all walks of life. Only an informed and engaged citizenry can stop this slide.
We received an overwhelming response from many quarters for the newsletter. Many friends contributed to the newsletter by writing for it as well as speaking on camera. We thank them all, as well as the ones who encouraged us and helped us improve it over a period of time.
This booklet is an attempt to capture the best of one year of Finance Matters. It is impossible for us to include all the articles due to the space constraint. However, the newsletter’s archive, can be accessed at http://cenfa.org/newsletter-archive/
We seek your continued support, contributions, and suggestions to further improve this.
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