What transpired during INC 5 is the outcome of a process, which lacked leadership and courage needed to represent the mandate laid out in resolution 5/14 and address conflicts that emerged through the two...
உலகம் முழுதும் குப்பைகளைக் கையாள்வது பெரும் பிரச்சினைய ாக உருவெடுத் து வருகிறது. குறிப்பாக , விரைவாக பொருளாதார வளர்ச்சியடையும் நகரங்கள் இந்த பிரச்சினையை அதிகம ாக எதிர்கொள்கின்றன. இந ்த வரிசையில் பொருளாதாரரீதியாக வளர்ந்து வரும் சென்னை ம ாநகரானது தனது குப்பைகளைக் கைய ாள்வதி...
Press Note 12 September 2024, Delhi: Centre for Financial Accountability (CFA) launched an exclusive microsite dedicated to its ‘Plastics Fuel Infertility’ campaign (PFIC), on 28th August 2024 through an online event. The Campaign aims...
For a long time, India has been advocating for the end of unsustainable use-and-throw economy. However, in a case of mismatch between its words and action, about 79% of the budget allocated for the...
One in three plastic generators in Tamil Nadu does not recycle plastic waste according to govt-mandated norms. Despite a Feb 2022 Union govt rule for all plastic waste generators to recycle their waste under...
Fighting plastic pollution is a herculean task in itself. However, on top of fighting to save the planet and the people from the impacts of the entire plastic life-cycle, we are confronted with yet...
Challenging Monopolistic Practices and Emerging Competitors. India holds a prominent position in the global petrochemicals industry. Demand for plastics across diverse sectors
The third attempt at a plastic treaty bombed. Held in Nairobi and attempted by reps from all nations couldn’t reach a consensus, thanks to the petrochem companies. They flew in umpteen lobbyists and even...
The Global Plastics Treaty, which aims to address plastic pollution across its full lifecycle has the potential to do so through production reduction, removal of non-essential plastics and corporate accountability. However, the negotiations which...
143 fossil fuel and chemical industry lobbyists have registered to attend the third session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC-3) to advance a global plastics treaty, gaining access to the negotiations at a time...
A Global Plastics Treaty is being negotiated under the aegis of the UNEP. This is an outcome of the advocacy with the United Nations Environment Assembly by several civil society organisations globally since 2017....
India has a fascinating history with plastics that has led to a thriving plastics industry and a complex environmental issue. In Part 1 of this new series, we explore what exactly plastics are and...