Slogans modified. No efforts to revive the Economy. In a surprise, Dr. Ananda Nageswaran, Chief Economic Advisor, with his team of more than 150 people, produced an Economic Survey 2025 with certain critical comments....
Random Reflections The government and banks, which write off crores of depositors’ money to benefit the wealthiest, make a hue and cry when farmers or disaster-affected people demand loan waivers. Disasters occur frequently across...
A hundred days isn’t really enough to evaluate the policies of a regime pertaining to finance and economy, but it is enough so far as to get the drift. And an overview of the...
The election result of June 4 gave a clear message to the ruling dispensation. They were reduced to a minority and had to entirely depend on a few allies to continue to be in...
The first budget of the NDA government seem to have heavily constrained with coalition compulsions, attempt to recognise the real issues on the ground and a response to the Mandate 2024. Yet, it manage...
This budget is the last chance for course correction for the Modi regime. It is going to be a test of who the government sides with, the 90% citizens of the country or the...
In FY18, the last year for which disaggregated income tax data is available, only 29,002 ITRs declared income above Rs 5 crore, while Credit Suisse said India had 7.25 lakh dollar millionaires (the wealth...
Shockingly, World Bank estimated this using a private firm CMIE’s surveys, because Indian government wouldn’t collect household consumption data, lest it reveals the ugly truth
जीएसटी की शुरुआत टैक्स प्रणाली को सरल बनाने और डबल टैक्स से बचने के लिए की गयी थी। लेकिन अब हर रोजमर्रा की जिंदगी में इस्तेमाल होने वाली चीज पर टैक्स देना पड़ रहा...
In keeping with its anti-people and pro-corporate tax policy, the Central government withdrew the windfall tax on oil exports on July 19th – 19 days after it was imposed – with effect from July...
The Indian tax system has been regressive for long with direct tax contributing less than indirect tax – contrary to what happens in developed economies. It is also known that tax incentives benefit corporates...
In its reckless privatisation drive, the Government of India (GoI) is selling the Central Electronics Limited (CEL) to Nandal Finance & Leasing Private Limited, a Non-Banking Financial Corporation (NBFC) with a dubious record, owned by a...
B. Pocker Sahib, a Muslim League member from Kerala in the Constituent Assembly, was prophetic when he outlined his concerns about the possible impact of centralisation of powers.
On 12th October, the Finance Minister told the media that she is announcing a package to boost demand. What is the Package? The package includes Rs.10000 Festival advance to central government employees, LTC cash...